Sun and Fun Golf Association - Golf Travel Specialists

    Rating Scale
    1 = Poor
    2 = Fair
    3 = Good
    4 = Very Good
    5 = Excellent​

SFGA Torrey Pines Golf Adventure

La Jolla, California 

June 4 - 9, 2023

We value your opinion about the trips we organize.

Your evaluations are used by our office to determine which elements of the trips are positive and those that need improvement. 

Sheila Ingorvaia, Muriel Gross, Bob Amspoker & Jim Freedman

Sun and Fun golf Association​
71 Burbank Drive
Palm Coast, FL 32137 USA
​+1 (904) 823 - 3083

We always strive to stay on par by providing our members with an unforgettable golf and travel expierence. Please let us know how we did!

Please answer the questions listed below and if you have any suggestions or comments, please provide them at the end of the survey.